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AdsManager - End of life

It is with great regrets that we have chosen to end the developpement of Adsmanager and its other associated components.

AdsManager is born 10 years ago and, as of today, the number of new subscriptions and downloads have fallen and we cannot maintain the component anymore.

All active subscribers will be able to continue enjoying support until the end of their subscription.

The components will be free and no support will be provided anymore for the other users.

These new releases are "fix" releases and contain also some minor new features.


@NEW: QuickStart Package (gold version) update to Joomla 3.2
@NEW: Add AdsManager Global Filter
@FIX: Display issue with categories
@FIX: Remove all files (for installation after old version 2.5 2.6)
@NEW: SEF Improvement with Itemid selection in router
@FIX: Cascade field + conditional fields not working on profile
@FIX: Fix checkall in Joomla 3.X (when you try to select in admin several ads, fields, etc...)
@FIX: avoid change fields list filter when pressing "cancel" on field edit form
@FIX: Bug IE cascade :-(
@FIX: fix SQL error in case of bad value for order
@FIX: fix IE Notice, remove html bad structure <table><input>
@FIX: conditional fields not working in backend ad edit form
@NEW: router SEF improvement Unicode
@NEW: Add ADSMANAGER_SELECT_CATEGORY_LEVEL_XXX (XXX 0,1,2...) to display something else than "--" when using cascade category)
@NEW: Add ADSMANAGER_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER_XXX (XXX name of field) To add a placeholder text in the search form
@NEW: Move all plugins/modules to adsmanager install packages in order to be able to install some modules without paidsystem
@FIX: bug &nbsp; displayed in category dropdown
@FIX: PHP Notice on redirect Joomla 3.2
@FIX: Add Uppercase to "adsmanager" in order to have the correct position in the "menu item type selection"
@FIX: Number of categories (when adding an ad) was not correct in the backend (paidsystem settings not taken in account)
@NEW: Improvment of    quickicons module (gold pack) for Joomla 3.2
@FIX: Update Recaptcha plugin to take care of google changes


@FIX: Update Hipay payment plugin (still in beta version)
@FIX: bug currency check in paypal plugin not correct.
@FIX: Remove notice: Undefined property: FOFTable::$invoicing_log_id in \libraries\fof\controller\controller.php on line 1303
@FIX: mdash; display instead of empty on Invoicing PDF
@FIX: Remove PHP Notice for redirect on Joomla! 3.2

@FIX: Fix top,highlight,featured limited by category
@FIX: Remove PHP Notice for redirect on Joomla! 3.2

@FIX: Prevent SQL error when trying to add "credits" without virtualmoney configuration saved at least one time.

AdsManager ChangeLog

Fix: add htmlspecialchars on category helper select
Fix: multiple category
Fix: Add Param to display or not the text field in the search module
Fix: Remove some PHP notices
Fix: Unlimited duration not working properly
New: set -1 by default for unlimited of ads per category when create a new category
New: MinMax Search for number and price
New: Load English first then other language
New: Add fields filter in admin
Fix: Fix bad syntax in languages packs
New: Selection of category is mandatory in field edition (no avoid field not displayed)
Fix: PHP Error TPermission not defined Joomla 1.5
Fix: Remove extra <br/> on field value display for radio + url field type
New: Increase image quality to 100%
Fix: remove notice: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$currency_symbol in /home/www/clients/client1/web24/web/components/com_adsmanager/helpers/field.php on line 212
New: change version of XML (2.5 used not the same xml than 3.0)

Invoicing ChangeLog

Fix: Net and Gross Amount inversion in database
Fix: Configuration not saved under 1.5
Fix: In some case, error during installation on Joomla 1.5
Fix: Prevent PHP Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in com_invoicing\\lib\\core.php on line 32
Fix: Error in french language
Fix: PDF generation issue (if template was not saved at least one time)
Fix: Missing INVOICING_COMMON_ORDER in english translation file
Fix: users view with CB active not working
Fix: Bug in paypal plugin
Fix: CSV error if trying to generate CSV and invoice number = 0
Fix: Changes Default values for CSV

PaidSystem Changelog

Fix: Bad javascript price computation in the write form for multiple categories
Fix: remove strict warning time mod_paidsystem_feat
Fix: Error with User Permissions
Fix: Ads on "global map" not filter on fields
Fix: Unlimited duration
Fix: Some taxes missing in computeCost function
New: Load English first + admin then other language
Fix: Carousel not working correctly if without images
Fix: add json_encode on float number for gmap plugin (error in only french locale on unix server)
Fix: Improve cascade jquery parent selector to prevent javascript error if module is published on the same page than advacned search
Fix: bad lib/core.php include order, => white page with mod_advancedsearch module
Fix: config.xml missing

VirtualMoney ChangeLog

Fix: Configuration not saved under Joomla! 1.5
Fix: Remove some PHP warnings
Fix: Update code to inverse Net/Gross
Fix: module wrong credits displayed

New Release available for download.


- New: Update FOF Version

- Fix: Fix Error in Invoicing/VirtualMoney due to latest FOF version included in Akeeba Product

- Fix: Number of categories allowed to post not working (using adsmanager +paidsystem number of categories)

- New: Invoicing, Minor Improvment of the submenu display

- New: Invoicing, ability to display a image instead of just text for list of payment method

- Fix : Remove some PHP Notice

- Fix: PaidSystem bad duration when editing a pending ad

- Fix: VirtualMoney add default.xml to add the ability to link to VirtualMoney Pack Purchase

- Fix: Invoicing: css issue with add button in invoice view

- Fix: Gold QuickStart pack, bad link url to purchase credits


+ Fixed: WORKAROUND for Joomla New Implementation for JText (Joomla 3.1.5) Issue with Russian Text split when text contains ","
+ Fixed: WORKAROUND for Joomla New Implemtnation for JText (Joomla 3.1.5) Multiple Checkbox not saved
+ Fixed: Community Builder Plugin issue with Pagination (change of user)
+ Fixed: TMail class do not exist
+ Fixed: Display Price even if price = 0
+ Fixed: ACL not working on 1.5 (PHP Error), remove from 1.5 support (only 2.5 and 3.0 features)
+ Fixed: Fix Autocomplete category display: replace previous script by chosen.js
+ Fixed: Expiration of ad was not working in all cases. Error Message displayed: "You cannot resubmit your ad...."
+ New Feature: Add an option to receive a copy of every mail sent to a user using the form contact
+ Fixed: Cb Profile Link not working in all cases.


+ Fixed: Expiration of ad was not working in all cases. Error Message displayed: "You cannot resubmit your ad...."
+ Fixed: ACL not working on 1.5 (PHP Error), remove from 1.5 support (only 2.5 and 3.0 features)
+ Fixed: Move some hardcoded CSS in adsmanager.css
+ Fixed: Some white space added to module when using cascade field.
+ Fixed: Impossible to change state of highlight,duration, featured options in backend
+ Fixed: Error when setting number of Images to 0 (javascript error which prevent ad to be saved)
+ Fixed: Display Extra fields in mod_paidsystem_feat without image not working.
+ Fixed: Auto Newsletter (AcyMailing Plugin) not working on 2.9


+ Installation of FOF v1 if server is using old PHP5.2 (best solution is to upgrade to 5.3)
+ Fixed: On my Invoices Page, the list of invoices was not correct.

+ Fixed: VirtualMoney Plugin Form Option is empty. (cannot set number of credits per day)
+ Fixed: Installation + some Error in 1.5
+ Fixed: SQL Error could happen on reinstallation.
+ Fixed: Bad Text encoding on VirtualMoney transactions and account.


+ Installation of FOF v1 if server is using old PHP5.2 (best solution is to upgrade to 5.3)
+ Fixed: VirtualMoney Plugin Form Option is empty. (cannot set number of credits per day)
+ Fixed: Installation issue on 1.5
+ Fixed: Bad Text encoding on VirtualMoney transactions and account.