By registering on, you will have immediate access to all our free products and to the public side of our support forum.
Each of our subscriptions allow you to enjoy the private side of the support forum and all the update of our products for a period ranging from 3 months to 1 year.
After subscribing to one of our subscription, the products are immediately downloadable.
It is with great regrets that we have chosen to end the developpement of Adsmanager and its other associated components.
AdsManager is born 10 years ago and, as of today, the number of new subscriptions and downloads have fallen and we cannot maintain the component anymore.
All active subscribers will be able to continue enjoying support until the end of their subscription.
The components will be free and no support will be provided anymore for the other users.
@FIX: Field Edit Admin Only, if edit in front field value is reseted to empty string
@FIX: update falang fields for translation filters
@FIX: keep fieldvalueid for field values to be able to use falang for field values
@FIX: Fix images multiple field lost field values when editing again
@FIX: Remove more than 1 sublevel in front view
@FIX: remove old no more used default itemid in adsmanager modules
@FIX: $categoriesModel = new AdsmanagerModelCategory(); by $categoriesModel = $this->getModel( "category" );
@FIX: remove some PHP notices
@FIX: limit ads per category
@FIX: Avoid Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\AppServ\www\raovathuonghoa\administrator\components\com_adsmanager\models\content.php on line 556
@NEW: Add new mail for Waiting for validation for Admin
@FIX: Fix social plugin
@FIX: Fix paidsystem feat div
@FIX: Module ads map (hardcoded field name) now configurable
@NEW: Publish / Unpublish in admin contents list
@FIX: bad display of fields in module
@FIX: remove notice PHP api.paidsystem.php line 891
@FIX: Bug renew with credits (not enough + bad check of balance)
@FIX: Prevent bad checkcredits if userid = 0
@NEW: Add Username filter on User Balances admin view
@FIX: Fix bug "Unable to load User" in credits view
@FIX: Add param to get raw Balance (without formatting)
@NEW: Improve product reference selection
@NEW: Improve customer name display
@FIX: Add str_replace("\n","<br/>", on Textarea fields Invoicing
@FIX: Error Logo URL when Editing a Vendor
@FIX: Notice: Undefined variable: content in install.invoicing.php
@FIX: Remove notice item->ref ref not defined
Fix: &amp;gt; due to multiple htmlspecialchars
Fix: Check limit ads only on new ad and ad category changed
Fix: Avoid issue if limit ads is not set in each category
Fix: controller.php $authorisedCategory not working porperly
Fix: fix youtube plugin to be able to set a price for this field
Fix: remove notice : Notice: Undefined variable: urloptions in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/bal/modules/mod_adsmanager_global_filter/mod_adsmanager_global_filter.php on line 59
Fix: placeholder in advanced search
Fix: Improve tmp filename to avoid conflict with windows server
Fix: Silver Package Error (no mod_paidsystem_feat at installation)
Fix: allow .info extension in email
Fix: Bug in install script for update db
Fix: Missing Translation
Fix: integration with CB error with cb_adress1 (missing 1 in cb_address1)
Fix: Improve router.php
Fix: remove notice Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$ref in /kunden/362350_49214/rp-hosting/TBit-K200139/TBit-A400142/joomla2.5/administrator/components/com_invoicing/helpers/format.php on line 480.
Fix: Invoicing Router missing loading of Lang
Fix: add trim around currency code check to avoid bad configuration
Fix: Avoid issue if limit ads is not set in each category
Fix: Notice: $conf->usergroups_nolimit
Fix: Change catsid type to TEXT if lot of categories
Fix: Improve Router VirtualMoney
New: Add $source_id for addCredits and removeCredits
What's better than starting the new year, with a new release of AdsManager :-)))
This is normally the latest minor release for branch 2.9 (Only security bugs will now be fixed on 2.9)
2.10 is the goal for the beginning of the year, there is already more than 20 new features ! Stay tune to get some news soon !
@FIX: Jomsocial Plugin displaying always "your ads" instead of current profile ads.
@NEW: Add image to rss feed
@NEW: Add title/alt attr on category images on front view
@FIX: Fix maxlength on profile form
@FIX: fix image path when uploading images : double slash "//"
@FIX: Dependency not working on profile
@FIX: Fix bad format price 10 000 => 10 €
@FIX: JString::substr in router and sh404sef ==> Incorrect URL format
@NEW: Improvement of URL Unicode: (support Joomla Setting, Unicode Yes or No)
@FIX: Fix cannot assign field not published to a group
@FIX: Cannot remove image associated to a category
@FIX: Fix a Jquery Javascript Error (jQuery -> jQ)
@NEW: Add some file_exists check, to get more explicit errors when all components are not installed
@NEW: In case of integration with CB, if user not log-in and click on new ad > redirect to register new account
@NEW: Add some check on Invoicing Installation, to get more explicit errors when Invoicing is not installed
@FIX. remove URL check on Vendor form
@NEW: Add some new fields for Customers : first name, last name
@NEW: Add some admin filters (invoice/quote/product reference)
@NEW: Add some new fields to Product References (reference number)
@NEW: Add a "Invoice/Quote" subject to describe in one sentence why this invoice has been created.
@FIX: Paid Option display even if published = false
@NEW: Add some check on Invoicing Installation, to get more explicit errors when Invoicing is not installed
@FIX: Fix Redirect Warnings Message on Joomla! 3.2 (waiting for official fix in Joomla)
This morning, due a a server update, there was an issue with one of our cron task. You could have receive several mails from you, Our apologize for this, you can just ignore these emails.