+ Fixed: WORKAROUND for Joomla New Implementation for JText (Joomla 3.1.5) Issue with Russian Text split when text contains ","
+ Fixed: WORKAROUND for Joomla New Implemtnation for JText (Joomla 3.1.5) Multiple Checkbox not saved
+ Fixed: Community Builder Plugin issue with Pagination (change of user)
+ Fixed: TMail class do not exist
+ Fixed: Display Price even if price = 0
+ Fixed: ACL not working on 1.5 (PHP Error), remove from 1.5 support (only 2.5 and 3.0 features)
+ Fixed: Fix Autocomplete category display: replace previous script by chosen.js
+ Fixed: Expiration of ad was not working in all cases. Error Message displayed: "You cannot resubmit your ad...."
+ New Feature: Add an option to receive a copy of every mail sent to a user using the form contact
+ Fixed: Cb Profile Link not working in all cases.
+ Fixed: Expiration of ad was not working in all cases. Error Message displayed: "You cannot resubmit your ad...."
+ Fixed: ACL not working on 1.5 (PHP Error), remove from 1.5 support (only 2.5 and 3.0 features)
+ Fixed: Move some hardcoded CSS in adsmanager.css
+ Fixed: Some white space added to module when using cascade field.
+ Fixed: Impossible to change state of highlight,duration, featured options in backend
+ Fixed: Error when setting number of Images to 0 (javascript error which prevent ad to be saved)
+ Fixed: Display Extra fields in mod_paidsystem_feat without image not working.
+ Fixed: Auto Newsletter (AcyMailing Plugin) not working on 2.9
+ Installation of FOF v1 if server is using old PHP5.2 (best solution is to upgrade to 5.3)
+ Fixed: On my Invoices Page, the list of invoices was not correct.
+ Fixed: VirtualMoney Plugin Form Option is empty. (cannot set number of credits per day)
+ Fixed: Installation + some Error in 1.5
+ Fixed: SQL Error could happen on reinstallation.
+ Fixed: Bad Text encoding on VirtualMoney transactions and account.
+ Installation of FOF v1 if server is using old PHP5.2 (best solution is to upgrade to 5.3)
+ Fixed: VirtualMoney Plugin Form Option is empty. (cannot set number of credits per day)
+ Fixed: Installation issue on 1.5
+ Fixed: Bad Text encoding on VirtualMoney transactions and account.