These new releases are "fix" releases and contain also some minor new features.
@NEW: QuickStart Package (gold version) update to Joomla 3.2
@NEW: Add AdsManager Global Filter
@FIX: Display issue with categories
@FIX: Remove all files (for installation after old version 2.5 2.6)
@NEW: SEF Improvement with Itemid selection in router
@FIX: Cascade field + conditional fields not working on profile
@FIX: Fix checkall in Joomla 3.X (when you try to select in admin several ads, fields, etc...)
@FIX: avoid change fields list filter when pressing "cancel" on field edit form
@FIX: Bug IE cascade :-(
@FIX: fix SQL error in case of bad value for order
@FIX: fix IE Notice, remove html bad structure <table><input>
@FIX: conditional fields not working in backend ad edit form
@NEW: router SEF improvement Unicode
@NEW: Add ADSMANAGER_SELECT_CATEGORY_LEVEL_XXX (XXX 0,1,2...) to display something else than "--" when using cascade category)
@NEW: Add ADSMANAGER_SEARCH_PLACEHOLDER_XXX (XXX name of field) To add a placeholder text in the search form
@NEW: Move all plugins/modules to adsmanager install packages in order to be able to install some modules without paidsystem
@FIX: bug displayed in category dropdown
@FIX: PHP Notice on redirect Joomla 3.2
@FIX: Add Uppercase to "adsmanager" in order to have the correct position in the "menu item type selection"
@FIX: Number of categories (when adding an ad) was not correct in the backend (paidsystem settings not taken in account)
@NEW: Improvment of quickicons module (gold pack) for Joomla 3.2
@FIX: Update Recaptcha plugin to take care of google changes
@FIX: Update Hipay payment plugin (still in beta version)
@FIX: bug currency check in paypal plugin not correct.
@FIX: Remove notice: Undefined property: FOFTable::$invoicing_log_id in \libraries\fof\controller\controller.php on line 1303
@FIX: mdash; display instead of empty on Invoicing PDF
@FIX: Remove PHP Notice for redirect on Joomla! 3.2
@FIX: Fix top,highlight,featured limited by category
@FIX: Remove PHP Notice for redirect on Joomla! 3.2
@FIX: Prevent SQL error when trying to add "credits" without virtualmoney configuration saved at least one time.