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It is with great regrets that we have chosen to end the developpement of Adsmanager and its other associated components.
AdsManager is born 10 years ago and, as of today, the number of new subscriptions and downloads have fallen and we cannot maintain the component anymore.
All active subscribers will be able to continue enjoying support until the end of their subscription.
The components will be free and no support will be provided anymore for the other users.
AdsManager 3.2.3 now live!
AdsManager 3.2.3
Fix: chosen disabled in search module for cascade fields to avoid issues
Fix: Keep itemId in search modules now work correctly
Fix: multiple image removal hidden on the front
Fix: issue with parse_str deprecated fixed
New feature: You can now choose how many level of subcategorie will be displayed on the front page
Invoicing 3.2.3
Fix: the order email have the correct order template attached in pdf
Fix: the new invoice can now be created without error
Fix: invoice creation fixed
AdsClarity 3.2.3
The new AdsManager feature is supported by that version of AdsClarity
AdsManager 3.2.2 now live!
AdsManager 3.2.2
New feature: bruce advertising is now possible with adsManager
Bruce Banners can be placed between ads.
The new feature can be enabled and set from the configuration of AdsManager
Fix - Twitter button size can now be chosen
Multiple fixes
PaidSystem 3.2.2
Fix on supplemental paid images
AdsClarity 3.2.2
The new AdsManager feature is supported by that version of AdsClarity
AdsManager 3.2.1 now live!
AdsManager 3.2.1
Fix and update Social plugin
Fix translation - Adding missing translations and fix typo errors
Fix - Changed the method used to display the select for the userfield plugin to avoid weird issues in the backend
Fix - validate on chosen fields, the validation is now working as it should
recaptcha1 removed
Fix - hidden fields were not controlled by jquery validate
Fix - Error on Acymailing plugin
PaidSystem 3.2.1
Fix bug in case of multiple cats with mobapp
Invoicing 3.2.1
Dompdf replaced by tcpdf - Russian, Greek and other similar languages are know working in the PDF
Fix bad redirection URL after edit user info on payment
Virtualmoney 3.2.1
Fix - No more blank page on Joomla 3.7
Fix - The coupon in Invoicing in now correctly applied on a virtualmoney pack
AdsClarity 3.2.1
Fix - validate on chosen fields, the validation is now working as it should
Fix - hidden fields were not controlled by jquery validate
Fix - error on sprintf in result list mode
AdsManager 3.2
Fix - Field date keep the saved value
Fix - Jquery Error in backend due to jquery.validator
Fix - Remove PHP notice in route.php
Fix - The ads can now be published from the backend when the update validation is enabled
Fix - No more javascript conflict with the report plugin
Fix - The redirect URL after login now work with the last version of Joomla
Fix - The module gmap name can be set in the configuration
Fix - If the module doesn\'t exist, we don't take a module with no params, we display an error message
Fix - Joomla 3.8, the rss feed doesn't return an error anymore
New Feature - Add chosen on select and cascade
Fix - The search result are now correct if the vectormap is empty
New Feature - Option in admin to delete several images at one time
Fix - SQL install for old installation (column type don't exists)
New feature - Alerts on new ads
Fix - random installation error
Fix - save issue and social plugin issue
New Feature - File upload field
New Feature - Recaptcha version 2 - thanks to Growunder
Fix - The layout content form now display the fields in the correct position
New Feature - ACL in the backend
New Feature - Force Itemid added for the advanced search module
Fix - The edit position are now loaded correctly
PaidSystem 3.2
New feature - ACL in the backend
Invoicing 3.2
Fix - Remove vendor_id = 1
New payment plugin - Midtrans
Fix - Add security to prevent already paid
New feature - ACL in the backend
New feature - ItemId profile can be forced, same for itemid invoice, redirect to profile page can now be disabled
Virtualmoney 3.2
Fix - No more blank page on Joomla 3.7
Fix - The coupon in Invoicing in now correctly applied on a virtualmoney pack