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Accueil / News / AdsManager 3.0.3

Latest News Blog

AdsManager - End of life

It is with great regrets that we have chosen to end the developpement of Adsmanager and its other associated components.

AdsManager is born 10 years ago and, as of today, the number of new subscriptions and downloads have fallen and we cannot maintain the component anymore.

All active subscribers will be able to continue enjoying support until the end of their subscription.

The components will be free and no support will be provided anymore for the other users.



- New Feature: AdsManager,Invoicing,VirtualMoney and PaidSystem could now be updated in 1 click on joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.3 using the Joomla Update System.


- Fix: The fields are correctly updated when changing the category in advanced search
- New Feature: New display option for the fields label in the edit form
- Fix: The copy_to_admin feature send more info about the sender of the message.
- Fix: The field 'email_admin' from the configuration of AdsManager is now correctly used by the component.
- Fix: Community Builder page is now working for the user ads list
- Fix: Missing load of adsmanager.css with adsmanager search
- Fix: PAIDSYSTEM check added to the helpers/image.php to avoid a php notice
- Fix: Allow to display advanced search page with a category specific in parameter - catid=XX
- Fix: Double slash in URL (like jquery.chained.js)
- Fix: Prevent meta description with HTML code
- Fix: gmap https
- Fix: Clarification on cron type
- Fix: Prevent "cols" "rows" missing and checkbox radio not displayed in SEARCH and add multicheckbox images in search form
- Fix: Change price type to text instead of number otherwise you have two arrows
- Fix: JQuery validate string missing
- Fix: Strict strandard displayImageUploaderFormChecker
- Fix: Fatal Error when trying to access the user ads list
- New Feature: The admin can choose where the captcha will be displayed between the edit form, the contact form and the profile form.
- New Feature: The placeholder and the default value of the cascade field are now translatable

- Fix: The simple search module and the advanced search module can now be displayed on the same page without conflict.
- New feature: The admin can choose which option will be displayed in the date column.

- Fix: The paid options are now correctly saved when the user go to the preview page and go back to the edit form.
- Fix: The price of the ad is now correctly displayed when the user go to the preview page and go back to the edit form.
- Fix: The error messages are now correctly displayed

- Fix: No more warning error with TView

- Fix: The Community Builder is now correctly in the package.
- New Feature: Added new parameter to match real prices and prices in virtual currency.