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Accueil / News / Discover the new AdsManager 3.0

Latest News Blog

AdsManager - End of life

It is with great regrets that we have chosen to end the developpement of Adsmanager and its other associated components.

AdsManager is born 10 years ago and, as of today, the number of new subscriptions and downloads have fallen and we cannot maintain the component anymore.

All active subscribers will be able to continue enjoying support until the end of their subscription.

The components will be free and no support will be provided anymore for the other users.

Important Note: Due to a lot of HTML markup changes and JS changes, if you have override some views of AdsManager, you should update them to the latest version. Note for Joomla 1.5 the option to hide contact for non registered is no more present (will be back in next version)



After 1 year of development we are glad to announce the immediate availablity of AdsManager 3.

New design, more configuration, better ad form, search improvements, ..... Download the upgrade or install the new version !!


Multiple Classifieds

Now, can can create several classified sections with only 1 Adsmanager. Each section have is own submit form view, specific categories, specific fields, diifferents ACLs, different prices,...



Submit Form

  • pictureBootstrap 2.0 full integration

  • Ad Preview: Your users can now see a preview of their ads before validation or payment.

  • Avoid reload page after selecting category in most case.
  • New Form Validator
  • New Image Uploader
  • Placeholder
  • Filter fields by user group
  • Redirection: More control on redirection after posting (redirect to articles, to my ads, ...)
  • Add Nofollow option for URL field type.
  • Tags field: New type of field for your ads: Tags to improve user research.
  • You can set different number of images allowed per user group
  • You can set different number of ads allowed per user group



New Features

  • Disclaimer (depending on the category)
    Some of your categories or your website is for an adult audience only. Display a disclaimer when user try to enter in this part of your website.
  • My Favorites ads
    Let your users create a list of their favorites ads to find them later without a new search.
  • Email Moderation
    Avoid SPAM to users who post ads on your website. You will have the ability to moderate message before sending email.



Search Improvements

  • pictureFullText Search: Improve search result. Ability to search in the title and description
    (Example: "Intel Laptop" will return ads with Laptop in the title and Intel in the description of the ad)
  • MultipleField Search: allow to add textfield in your search form than will check in several adsmanager fields the keywords entered by the user
    (Name: Car Paris, will find ad with car in the title or body and Paris in the city name)
  • Advanced Search component page is now using the same configuration than the advanced search module




Ads Display : List / Details

  • Bootstrap integration
  • Display ads on a GRID
  • Image Gallery Integration of a new javascript lib to improve image display on ad details




  • You can now sell "image packs" (3 images for X €)
  • You can set different durations, highlight, featured options based on user group
  • You can set some durations, highglight,featured option to be free for some user group
  • You can now have now use VirtualMoney credits to pay an invoice in €/$...


  • Select how the background processing like ad expiration, email notification should be done : webcron, cron or on user request.
  • You can now upgrade your Free and PRO version using the standard Joomla! update system