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#1048 – Paid field name

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Monday, 04 July 2022 19:00 CEST
Paid field name

The name of the paid option on the account is displayed and not the "Title"
I searched where to rewrite it but could not find it.
This looks pretty stupid, the customer doesn't know why they are paying.
Custom Fields
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Wednesday, 13 July 2022 17:12 CEST

I agree, it is not very good.

You can find the line in the PaidSystem component, components/com_paidsystem/api.paidsystem.php, line 1448 and 1458 :
$items[] = array('quantity'=>1,'tax'=>$conf->tax,'name' => $text,'gross_unit_price' => $field->price,'source'=>'adsmanager-fields');

it is the same line copied two times.

The variable is called $text and can be changed just above both lines.

Best regards.

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