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#237 – Text in the description

Posted in ‘Support’
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Monday, 12 February 2018 18:18 CET
Joomla! version : 3.8.2
PHP version : 5.6.29
AdsManager version : 3.1.11

Dear sir, i ve a question. i ve a text of description in the ads that dont headed. look the image, because my english its worst.
Custom Fields
Joomla Version
PHP Version
PHP 5.6.29
Product Version
Wednesday, 14 February 2018 14:15 CET

That's a matter of css.

Could you try to add a max-width for the description field in the css of your template ?

.ad_text {
max-width: 600px;

Also, if you put a blank space in the description, it will more than likely fix that issue.

Best regards.

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