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#1005 – contact section

Posted in ‘Support’
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Wednesday, 23 February 2022 09:22 CET
I have a problem with the contact section. It normally sends the email of interest to the advertiser with an attachment.
The problem is when email moderation is turned on and copy to admin.
The email to the admin does not include the attachment.
This would be important as a CV is being sent and this should be forwarded by the admin to the recipient.

What in the file should I rewrite to make it work properly?
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Wednesday, 23 February 2022 17:21 CET

I will try to check that issue tomorrow.

I think the developper made an error and forgot the attachement.

If you wish to check the code yourself, the file sending the moderated email is :

check the function send_email and send_emails.

I will check if it can be fixed easily this week.

Best regards.
Friday, 25 February 2022 16:51 CET

The moderation for the contact email doesn't work with attached files.

The system will store the emails in the database and it made it impossible to manage the attachment at the same time.

The moderation and the email attachment cannot be enabled at the same time.

Best regards.

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