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AdsManager - End of life

It is with great regrets that we have chosen to end the developpement of Adsmanager and its other associated components.

AdsManager is born 10 years ago and, as of today, the number of new subscriptions and downloads have fallen and we cannot maintain the component anymore.

All active subscribers will be able to continue enjoying support until the end of their subscription.

The components will be free and no support will be provided anymore for the other users.


Due to some rules evolution in AdBlocker, we change some HTML class and id names to remove name like "ad_XXXX" and replace them by "fad_XXX".
Also we change the images path images/com_adsmanager/ads to images/com_adsmanager/contents
You need to update your template override if you have any (for component and module) to avoid bugs.
If you are using AdsClarity, you can upgrade it to latest version OR at least extract the adsmanager override from the template file



Invoicing 1.2.7
Fix: The tax in the invoice is now correct when you insert a coupon
Fix: Remove php Notice due to =&
Fix: PHP Notice aboud couponstatus missing
Fix: Cache issue with payment page (COUPON code not visible)
Fix: jQuery('#adminForm').unbind('submit') in case of cancel on invoice page

VirtualMoney 1.2.6
Fix: Update dailyLogin xml description

AdsManager 3.1.2
Fix: several bugs fixed in the he advanced search module
Fix: The cascade display for the category are now working correctly if several search modules are running on the same page.
NEW: Rename All class/id like "ad_XXXX" to "fad_XXX" to avoid adblocker
NEW: Rename the images folder (ads => contents) to avoid adblocker
Fix: Acymailing some fields are not rendering correctly
Fix: Fix PM contact link not in contact area
Fix: DoubleSelect not displayed correctly with Bootstrap3
NEW: Allow multiple parent value for cascade field (use a comma to separate parent field value)
Fix: Issue when cache is activiated and using Gmap Module on list page
Fix: Add strip_tags for ad_text when ad_text type is WYSIWYG Editor to avoid "cut HTML"
NEW: Add og:image meta for facebook share button
Fix: Prevent PHP error with  'imagettftext' doesn't exist error
NEW: You can use the category as the parent field for a cascade field (parent name:category)
Fix: Duplicate Ad code is now completed
Fix: Fix Cron Issue
NEW: The new fields are automatically assigned to the first position of the edit form
Fix: Fix drag&drop for Joomla 2.5 and firefox offset sortable
NEW: update jQuery UI Version
Fix: Delete and Edit ads not visible in my ads view on mobile
Fix: Folder image ads renamed contents to avoid bug caused by adblock - Fix: Class and if ad_% renamed fad_% to avoid bug caused by adblock
Fix: The min max search field are now translatable
Fix: Missing translations added
Fix: The price field is now a number type field
Fix: Fix cascade required in search module (it's no more required)
Fix: The email sender value is now correctly set in the configuration
Fix: No more warning in the list view for Joomla 3.4.x
Fix: Pagination not visible on mobile devices due to wrong  JText in lib/pagination.php
Fix: JRoute instead of TRoute (wrong Itemid used)
Fix: redirect to previous page instead of front in case of "no write/read permission"
NEW: Choose how many subcategories you want to display on the front page

PaidSystem 3.1.2
Fix: bug duration of options not taken in account if payment validate manually in the backend
Fix: page redirection when click is performed on expiration button (missing return false; javascript)
Fix: Rename ad_XXX to fad_XXX to avoid adblocker
Fix: Missing </div> in paidsystem expiration view

UserSubs 1.0.1
Fix: Subscription can be created from backend
Fix: Subscription can be set to PAID in backend => invoice generation + subscription processing on ACTIVE
Fix: The subscribers are now correctly saved when the subscription is enabled from the backend
Fix: SQL Error in some case during installation

Bruce 1.0.1
Fix: Remove unwanted second impmade field is now removed
Fix: The impression limit are now working correctly
NEW: synchronize with Joomla Banners components
Fix: Fix banners config lost on reorder
Fix: Fix transition and center
Fix : Bad loading of jquery : behavior.framework instead of jquery.framework
Fix: Add Thumbnail in list view (backend)
NEW : Virtuemart filter
NEW: Update cycle.js lib
Fix: The size of the multiple select is now correct

AdsClarity 1.0.1
NEW: Rename all ad_XXX to fad_XXX to avoid adblocker (compatiblity with Adsmanager 3.1.2)
NEW: Rename Folder ads to contents for 3.1.2 compatiblity
Fix: Update AdsManager override to be compatible with 3.1.2 AdsManager Version.
Fix: The date column is now correctly sorted.
Fix: Update TBanner (for Bruce update)
Fix: mod_adsmanager_ads not working well in horizontal responsive
Fix: {loadposition} {loadmodule} no more working
Fix: Add support of Multiple categories
Fix: Fix back to images/ads
Fix: class="dark" missing on HTML
Fix: missing translation for "for" on adsclarity
Fix: No more notice in the description of the latest ads
Fix: The list button display correctly the list.
Fix: The homepage slider didn't work if one or more banners didn't have any clickurl
Fix: Missing translations
Fix: Favorites page added to adsclarity
New: Google analytics code in the template parameters
Fix : Missing translation
Fix: Extra </div> on front
Fix: remove htmlspecialchars sur warnings/error message edit view
Fix : The new string is now translatable